Inner child energetic massage

Suffering, permanent dissatisfaction, dependence, feeling of not being good enough, unbalanced relationships... What if you needed to reconnect with your inner child?

"We need to listen to the child we once were,
the child that still exists inside us.
This child understands the magical moments.
We can stifle its cries, but we cannot silence its voice. "

Paulo Coelho

enfant interieur blessé

What is the inner child?

The inner child is the reflection of the child we once were, in its “positive” aspects (happiness, joy…) but also “negative” (suffering, pain…).

We change as we become adults, but our mind and body still carry the emotions and wounds of the past.

They are at the origin of what we feel as adults and this has a direct impact on our behaviour and relationships.

Our inner child also hides all the things that parents, teachers or other adults have taught us to think about ourselves (the so-called ‘labels’).

Some signs that indicate the need to recognize and heal your inner child:

  • Anger,
  • Low self-esteem,
  • Relationship problems,
  • Passive or aggressive behaviour,
  • Suppression or repression of emotions,
  • Dependencies and addictions,
  • Obsessions,
  • Inability to forget the past…
soin massage energetique enfant intérieur

The benefits of healing the inner child

Working with your inner child can help you to :

  • discover and release repressed emotions that prevent you from moving forward;
  • recognise your real needs;
    give you the opportunity to take better care of yourself;
  • be more creative and joyful, in spontaneity;
  • regain your confidence;
  • love and respect yourself…
  • contribute to a better quality of life.
soin massage energetique enfant interieur

Why a massage dedicated to the inner child?

Connecting to your inner child gives you the possibility to communicate and have a dialogue with the child that you have been and that remains as part of you (this doesn’t mean “playing the child”😉).

Receiving an energetic massage will help you to recognize the inner child which is still there. It needs to be taken care of, and as long as its emotional wounds are not healed, they will continue to manifest themselves on the outside, creating problems/imbalances in your adult life.

massage energetique enfant interieur

"You have to hold the hand of the child inside you. For him, nothing is impossible."- Paulo Coelho

To connect with your inner child is to accept to feel your emotions, to become aware of your pains

Healing your inner child means changing your behaviour, calming yourself with gentleness and kindness to become who you really are, respecting and loving yourself.

Taking care of your inner child means harmonising your personal and professional relationships and living more serenely.

How does it work?

You contact me and during this video interview, I explain how I can help you

If it’s okay with you, we’ll make an appointment for your first session together

We will carry out the first session in person

Course of a session

The energetic massage is done lying down on the stomach, on the back and on the side to the sound of soft and relaxing music.

Inner child energetic massage rate: 70€ (+ student / job seeker rate)

Training : Om Karyann